Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Chips pea wet babis yed wi cap on floatin- Wigan'ers down under maaate

$5 a pie for god sake
Well just over a week in Oz now and we are both loving it. It took us a few days to get over the jet lag and we did are first night in a hostel, seems it may take a while to adjust to being in a room with 8 people but the fact there was 5 Swedish attractive girls in the same room made it more appealing. found a pie shop and its only fiver a pie- its no Galloways or Pound Bakery.

As mentioned in the previous blog we went down to the Gold Coast to spend a long weekend with Dan Cotton & Wendy Peet who are currently residing in Burleigh Heads (search on google images lovely place) and thanks to Matty Russell sorting us tickets headed of to Skilled Park to watch Gold Coast Titans v Brisbane Broncos. Was great to finally watch a NRL game after years watching it so nice one Matty!

Go Titans

Dan, Mr Birkett and Moi
Dan & Wendy showed us the sites we had a drive to Surfers Paradise and tried are hand at body boarding unfortunately are $3 board wasn't helping us next too these pro surfer dudes, after a hard graft getting out to where the big waves up we got told of by a lifeguard and had to return to the beach. Was mad too see my old P.E teacher from Tommy More Mr Birkett over here too, hes been here 9 years now.

We went on a night out to Broad Beach just up the road we got smashed on 'Goon' (4 litre box of wine for $10) which taste like champagne by that i mean Wigan champagne (lambrini) and hit the town. I was told previous that it was strict here and to my drunken amazement i was stunned when nowhere would let me in. I manged sneak in a club with 2 very uninterested girls spent a bomb and blacked out. After liaising with the guys the next day seems everyone kinda blacked out and cant remember much. John spent more on 4 pies than he did all night.


left shoulder dislocation
Well a top weekend but disaster as i was swimming inshore a huge wave (about 2ft) but my dodge shoulder In a dodgy position and dislocated and wouldnt pop back in-taxi for Finchy or should i say ambulance- so off to the hospital i went to pop it back in. tried the 'gas' for first time in hospital and its just like laughing gas was a great way to end a top weekend anyways, got the bill and it was only $750 so pretty cheap (thank god i got insurance). 

4 other Wigan lads arrived Jack Doherty, Phil Turner, Rob Brennan & Pat O'Neil and we decided have a little Wigan get togther. Dan was getting abit homesick after not seeing any Wigan'ers and here he was sat around a bbq and there was 9 of us. Although not been away long, again its always good seeing people from the land of pies cant beat the banter- although John continues with hes awful banter. Was just like being in Wigan with us all there, surfers paradise, rugby, rain only thing different is all the girls tans are not from Beech Hill Burners. Gutted didnt see Chloe Golding though- we badly need are haircuts ffs.

We booked back into Bunk Hostel for a week and there us 6 Wigan'ers and a poor foreign couple who along with us have been up all night due to Jack's snoring, at first I thought I was sharing a dorm with the fucking Hulk but the noises where coming from hes oraphis's. guna take some getting used to.

put a shrimp on the barby maate
We had a quiet one last night on the Goon again, good thing about us all in a dorm is we can sneak some drink in. There was a karaoke comp on in the hostel with a $100 prize so I had a bash, John was telling folk he was my manager and id been on x factor. I was looking odds on un till an Austrian angel started to sing she was amazing and made me look the singer i really am- half decent int crispin- but due to my huge fan base at the front (the lads) i came joint first somehow and got $50...drinks all round guys!!!

I felt sorry for the girl who was cleary better than me and she was travelling alone. Made it worse when she told me how much winning the $50 meant to her as she was running low on funds the thought of giving her my $50 was quickly washed away with my double vodka lemonade I had just bought with the winnings.

The boys on tour down under maaate

As i type me & John have had a few interviews and was due to start a job but decided it wernt for us but confident of having somthing sorted within the next few weeks.

so to break it down this past week:

John is a mong keeps forgetting his key and knocks everyone up to get back into the room, hes also won creep of the week award after his antics last night, he didnt no we was watching but it was like a re-incarnation of Peter Sutcliffe! tongue was out all night.
Goon is amazing
Jack needs sleep on his side (so does Brennan)
im rainman
Dan, Wendy & Matty are legends for sorting us out this week
Dan & Wendy will never play tennis
The lies you can tell are funny...iv won come dine with me back home, been on xfactor, rugby player you can be whoever you want to be.

This weekend guna be another Wigan invasion with Dec Mcgloughin and Elliot coming up for the weekend for Decs bday so with that idiot out this weekend im sure to have some good material for next time...

Over and out

Stu & John

p.s found this pic its me on the left and John on the right

1 comment:

  1. Class Pal keep it comein fookin not find a pound shop over there lol
